Friday, November 20, 2015

Principal called

Date: Nov 20.2015

I just got an unwelcome call from school as I will be always freaked out whenever I see a phone from school. It always means something.

I was thinking maybe I forgot lunch lady order.

I was told Justin got a little scratch around his eyes. Poor boy!

It seem I really need to put him back to karate school.

But luckily, when he was back home, looks it's just minimal.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Honey Hot Water

Maybe I got a bit virus from my smart son last week. I've been coughing tonight. To my great happiness, he offered me a honey hot water.

I felt this honey water was extremely sweet.

Good lad! Thank you.


Friday, September 11, 2015

2015.09.10 Fever first week of school

昨天宝贝感冒了。开学才第一个星期。估计是上个周末玩了太多了,或是刚刚开始不适应, 同学间相互感染。

昨天休学在家。走前确保没事才去上班,还要求他随时接听电话。中午打电话过去,叫他测了温度,38.5度。叮咛他喝了出门前准备好的Advil 20ml, 还叫他吃了午饭,然后午休。

本来昨天下班准时回家。但要还上次的照顾家庭时间,迟下班了。下班后一路狂奔,又走407, 火速回家看宝贝。


没过二十几分钟,Ig 猛叫,宝贝温度升至39。原来她给他关了窗,风扇,加盖被子 - 蠢猪呀蠢猪,永远蠢!!!马上给他吃了三片Tylenol. 过后又继续除草。然后不打算做事,照看宝贝要紧。




晚上睡觉也不断照看儿子,补足杯子的水。准备好听筒,Puff, 温度计和药。半夜10:30,给了19ml的Advil, 温度39.,到1:30查温度,3点复核情况,4:00再看,敷冷毛巾,直到5点,当中时睡时醒。看温度一直下降,7点再查,一切在控制之内,然后7:15放心地睡了一觉到8:30am。


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Happy birthday to me

昨天吃晚饭的时候,儿子突然对我说 "爸爸,没有礼物,但要对你说 happybirthday to you"。太幸福了,儿子一下子懂事了。好写了一个日记,画了一个希望有生日party和没有的对照都。
Daddy love you,  小子。不过爸爸希望按时起床  lol。

Friday, May 15, 2015



Monday, April 20, 2015



Tuesday, March 3, 2015


After dinner,  I made a small sandwich and washed the dishes too

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Wings of fire the hidden Kingdom

I like this book because it is interesting and has lots of adventures.

The adventure is that they find a hidden kingdom of the night wings wings are extremely powerful creatures.  this creature is very powerful no one knows their queen and Allies they are extremely powerful and battle but do not bet on the Great War and for some reason the dragons who are Nightwings R are trying to study the rain wings that is why arraign wing called glory. It was really strange she thought were they trying to use their power of venom or are they studying them for no reason. Yolo swag

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Knowing to say goodbye

I dropped off smart son at school as ususal this morning.  We got in on time and I escorted him across the street.  Then He walked by himself.  To my surprise and happiness,  he stopped and turned back to say "bye daddy" after a few steps.  He does say bye when stepping out of the car.  But this is first time happens like that.  Sweet!